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Notice of Annual Members Meeting 2024/25

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SBSU is holding a meeting open to all LSBU students (who have not opted out of SU membership) at 12pm midday on January 13th 2025 on the Southwark site in room K307. If you are unable to attend in person, you can also join the meeting online here.

Please note this is an adjourned meeting from the original meeting of 2nd December 2024 which was not quorate.

I can’t attend at all, can I still vote?

Unfortunately, no. Proxy votes were collected for the original meeting of 2nd December, and this meeting is an adjournment of the original date. Therefore, any valid proxy votes submitted for the original meeting will be valid for this adjourned meeting, but there will be no further opportunity to vote unless you attend the meeting and you are a member of South Bank Students’ Union.

What are we voting on?

SBSU is proposing some changes to how we represent LSBU students, following a year of reviewing our current governance and democracy, gathering the views of students and stakeholders and reviewing how well our current representation structure is working. The changes being proposed are designed to ensure that as many students as possible can participate in, and be represented by, SBSU democracy.

If you would like to find out more about the changes being proposed and the next steps, please see this summary document. You can also email with any questions you have.

For the full proposed new Articles of Association, please see the links below.

What else is on the agenda?

Please see the formal notice document below to see the full agenda.

Formal Notice of AMM 2024/25

Governance Review Summary of Changes for Students

Proposed Articles of Association
