How often is it?
Once a month
Who can come?
It’s mandatory for all the democratically elected full and part time officers and chairs, but any student is welcome to come. To get involved, please contact
What happens?
The council discusses the direction of the SU, talks about what the officers have been doing in their roles recently, and gets important updates from the SU. They also have the power to vote on motions which mandate the SU to make changes.
Course rep forum
How often is it?
Once a month
Who can come?
Any registered course rep
What happens?
Course reps can come along and discuss course-related issues they are experiencing with the Student Voice Team, who will relay concerns to the university.
How often is it?
Once a year
Who can come?
All students
What happens?
The senior management team at the SU, and the sabbatical officers give a presentation on what they’ve been doing over the last year and what they’re planning for the next year.
Meeting minutes can be found on our governance page here.