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Mark is an experienced board-level leader, having transitioned a founder-led charity
to a new team and supported the successful turnaround of an underperforming
board. He is also currently a Trustee for the Ben Kinsella Trust, the UK’s leading
anti-knife crime charity.
Mark is an Associate Director at Clarasys, a UK-US experience consultancy where
he leads their public sector and healthcare work. He supports government clients to
design accessible citizen-facing services and digital products that deliver better
public services for all.
Beyond work, Mark is passionate about social mobility, having worked with widening
participation organisations including Debate Mate and Manchester University to build
employability skills and increase access for underrepresented groups.
As one of the most diverse HE institutions in the UK, SBSU offered the unique
opportunity for Mark to help increase student outcomes and representation within the
city he grew up in. As a former Chair of a Students’ Union, he enjoys mentoring
sabbs and working with the amazing SBSU management team to build a truly
inclusive, modern Union.